The soil preparation we're recommending for this area of your garden is
Our standard 300mm soil preparation
Contractor Specification:
Price should include mechanical clearance of the ground to the same depth as the newly created planting area selected (unless an allowance was made within the site clearance).
Standard Shrub & Herbaceous – Prepare border areas as shown on plan to result in a consistent 300mm depth of Landscape 20 topsoil. Loosen the base of the excavated bed prior to the addition of topsoil using the ripper tooth attachment on the digger, removing any large stones or rubble by hand*.
Designer to approve soil preparation on site before planting begins
*If reduced digging is necessary, subsoil MUST be broken up prior to the addition of topsoil.
Newly imported soil should be Landscape 20 available from British Sugar Topsoil
Soil depths will be subject to checks by the designers planting team. Contractors should ensure that where top soil is added to excavated border areas, the sub soil pan is broken PRIOR to the importation of topsoil.
Ensure all areas to be planted are free from soil pans, weeds, roots, stones, rubble, plaster and other debris or contaminants. Please take special care to remove brick and rubble from the topsoil ensuring that only remaining stones to pass a 40mm sieve, and stone content to be less than 10%
Client Notes:
Please note that the rate of growth and future health of the new plants will depend entirely on the quality/depth of the soil preparation.
Newly imported soil will not behave as expected due to its lack of structure. Depending on weather conditions, it can temporarily become waterlogged on the surface, hard if dry and windy, and can form a crust. We’d always recommend mulching the soil post planting.
Please expect some annual weed growth in the first two seasons. This should be either hoed off or pulled out by hand before they become established.
If the newly created beds will be left fallow (empty) for any period of time, it may be easier to use one application of weedkiller.